HS2 information workshops

The High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill is expected to receive Royal Assent soon. Following this both Chiltern District Council and South Bucks District Council will start to receive what are known as Schedule 17 submissions (approvals for detailed planning matters) relating to the proposed scheme.

These are not like planning applications as we know them and we are sure there are many questions you may have relating to this process. Our community information workshops will help you understand this process.

The two-hour workshops will be held at:

  • Chiltern District Council, King George V Road, Amersham HP6 5AW – 1 March 6pm
  • South Bucks District Council, Oxford Road, Denham UL9 4LH- 8 March 6pm
  • Iver Village Hall, Grange Way, Iver SL0 9NW – 14 March 6.30pm
  • Chalfont Epilepsy Centre, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter SL9 0RJ – 20 March 6pm
  • Great Missenden Memorial Hall, High Street, Great Missenden HP16 9AE – 27 March 7pm

To book your place on the community information workshops please send an email to Imran.nawaz@chiltern.gov.uk with your full name, email address, date of workshop you would like to attend and your organisation (if applicable).

Classic cars in the village – 5th March 2017 CANCELLED :(

The Falcon Motor Club is planning to run its March Hare Classic Trial, this year on Sunday 5th March 2017. The start and finish will be at the Chequers Inn St. Albans Road, Redbourn. There will be up to 50 entrants driving cars ranging in age from the 1920’s to recent times. The first car will be leaving at 0830 and should return at around 16.00. The route leaves the Chequers Inn via the A5183 and the B487 towards Harpenden. The route returns along the B487 from Hemel Hempstead and thence to the start venue. The cars will approach from Wigginton and leave on the road to Bellingdon between the hours of 14.30 and 16.30.

The event is being organised in accordance with the Motor Vehicles (Competitions and Trials) regulations and the General Regulations of the Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association Ltd. Motor rallies and trials are permitted through provisions contained in section 13 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and detailed in the Motor Vehicles (Competitions and Trial ) Regulations. In seeking authorisation the relevant Police Authorities, Route Liaison Officers and County Councils Rights of Way Departments have been informed and approval for the event has been requested.

Parish Council Housing Needs Survey – respond by 6/3/17

Chartridge Parish Council has agreed to undertake a Housing Needs Survey of our Parish in order to identify if there are any local people in need of affordable homes. In addition, the survey will help us to gauge resident support for development of affordable homes for local people.

The survey will be carried out by Arlene Kersley, the Rural Housing Enabler at the Community Council for Berkshire (CCB). Survey forms are being delivered to all households in Chartridge, Asheridge and Bellingdon during early February.

Alternatively the survey can be completed online at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Chartridge

Your views are important, please make sure you respond! The survey closes on the 6th March 2017

Parish Council News

Chartridge Parish Council is promoting “Love my village”, a scheme which encourages residents to look after their patch, including picking up litter outside their property and exposing any overgrown road signs – all small things to keep our village tidy.

The Parish council is taking on the grass verge/hedge trimming as part of CDC devolved services. Having this done by local contractors we feel we can provide a better job as this was done so poorly in the past. The Parish council will need to increase the precept to cover costs but will ensure money is spent locally.

Other things under review are our own speed posts similar to the ones in Wigginton. For more information go to Chartridge Parish Council web site.

There is still a vacancy for a councillor to represent the Bellingdon ward.  If you live in Bellingdon, have a genuine interest in the local community and how it is serviced, and can dedicate one evening each month to meet plus a small amount of your spare time to considering a range of issues (planning, highway maintenance, footpaths and bridleways, county and district council consultations to name but a few) please contact the Parish Clerk in the first instance.