Village Fete THIS SATURDAY!!

Two more sleeps and then it’s the Village Fete!!  Classic Cars, pooches, cake baking goodies at the ready…..

And its looking like its going to be a very good one, by the looks of the very generous and high quality donations from everyone.  Thank you so very much.

Drop off is at noon on Saturday for any baked goods for the tea and cakes stall in the Village Hall.

Also, if someone can help our (not very good) sleuths… we seem to have misplaced the ladies’ Tug of War Trophy (!).  Do you perhaps have it, or know who may have it, please can you let me know. 

Bellingdon and Asheridge Village Fete and fun dog show 2022 (c) Jenny Goodall

Hope to see you Saturday!!

All the best

Carmel and the Village Fete Committee


The Village Fete Doorknock is happening this coming week (12-18th June)

We do hope you are looking forward to the annual Bellingdon and Asheridge Village Fete and Fun Dog Show on Saturday 24 June. The Fete Committee has been working tirelessly at getting everything ready for what should be a fun day out for all the family.

Hopefully you have seen the flyer posted recently about the annual Fete Doorknock.  The Doorknock is our key “sourcing” activity for the Fete and without it, and your support, the Fete would be a more lacklustre affair.  However, every year you surprise and delight us with your donations and we are hoping for the same this year. 

In case you did not see the flyer, this is just a reminder that our volunteers will be coming by next week, starting on Monday evening to collect any donations you may wish to give and will also hand out free programmes and offer a chance to buy raffle tickets (there are some fabulous prizes this year).

Not sure what to donate?  We welcome anything that is new and / or in good condition (i.e. resalable) for the tombola and raffle (e.g. Bottles of wine or spirits, unopened toiletries, unwanted Christmas/ birthday presents ) lucky dip and children’s toy stall (new and nearly new children’s toys) and the book stall (books, cd’s, DVD’s, records etc).   If you are a keen baker, we would be very grateful if you can donate a cake or home baked goods for the tea and cake stall.  If so, please could you drop them off at the Village Hall at 12pm on Saturday 24th.  (There will be a prize for best cake /baked goods!)

Remember this is for a great cause.  Three local charities – BAVH (Bellingdon and Asheridge Village Hall), the Hospice of St Francis and the Chesham Foodbank are our selected Charities that will be supported by the fete this year.

If for any reason, the doorknock team don’t get to you, please call them to arrange collection (they should leave you a flyer with their contact no).  Alternatively, we are taking drop offs on Monday 12th 5.30- 7.30pm, Wednesday 14th 6-8pm and Sunday 18th, 5-6pm, at the Annex at the Village Hall.

Hope to see you all at the fete on the 24th, or at your door next week.

It’s if you need to contact us!

Roadworks notification 9th-11th May, Chesham Road, Bellingdon

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNCIL have given notice that, Affinity Water works will take place on Chesham Road, Bellingdon from 9th May 2023 for approximately 3 days between 09:30 and 15:30 each day. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNCIL intend to make an Order which will temporarily prohibit any vehicle from proceeding, except for access, in that length of Chesham Road, Bellingdon, which continues for a distance of approximately 173 metres.
The alternative route for vehicles affected by the closure will be via Chesham Road, Bank Green, Asheridge Road, Hivings Hill, Mount Nugent and viceversa.

For specific location and up to date information, please see:

Bellingdon Village Neighbourhood Watch (NW) New coordinator needed

For many years the NW scheme covering the whole of Bellingdon Village has been managed by Alan Page, as you will be aware. Alan has given his community many hours of voluntary service over this time, and I’m sure that you and other residents will be grateful to him for this.

Now Alan is hanging up his Neighbourhood Watch sign and retiring from this role. Having an active NW scheme is a key part of the village’s defence against criminals, so it is important to everyone in the community that a new Coordinator steps forward. Could that be you?

Rest assured that this is not an onerous role, even though an important one. These days most interaction is by email, although it is naturally vital to cater for those residents who do not use this technology. In taking over this existing scheme most of the work has been done, and I can promise my active support for the newcomer too.

So, please contact me if you are wiling to consider taking over from Alan – and it will be great if several of you offer at once, so the role is not all on one individual!I look forward to hearing from you shortly!RegardsDavid  
Message Sent By
David Alder
(NWN, Area Representative, MSA, Thames Valley, South Buckinghamshire ( East))
[This message was sent via Thames Valley Alert system. If you would like to respond please either register for the TVA system ( or email and we’ll pass your message on, in confidence.]