Village fete: the countdown begins

Its just over two weeks until our Bellingdon & Asheridge Village fete and the clock is ticking!

We’ll be knocking on doors next week collecting all your lovely donations: bottles, raffle and tombola prizes, good condition books, toys and board games, bric-a-brac and old crockery for the china smash.

We’ll also give deliver a free event programme to each house as well as giving you the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets. Prizes this year include Rugby tickets , a case of wine, vouchers and many others.

If you’re out we can collect black bags marked “Fête” from your doorstep. Alternatively our friendly door knockers will leave a car so you can call them to come at a more convenient time.

To donate, help out or find out more about the fête, please contact To join the doorknock as a volunteer or to arrange a specific collection time, please phone Emma on 07971 218970.