St John’s Bellingdon – Sunday 13th June – on line service

Dear all 

As mentioned last week – this week we’re joining with Christchurch Waterside, St George’s Tylers Hill and St John’s Ashley Green. 

As with the usual Bellingdon service it gets uploaded onto the Chesham Parish YouTube site, but in case you need to go directly to it the link to the playlist where it will be is:

Chris Gerke is leading and the passage for the sermon is on Mark 4:26-34. 

Best wishes


St John’s Church News

We have started to return to our normal Sunday morning services at 10 am in St John’s Church. The services are shorter than usual and slightly different in order to be Covid compliant – there is no singing, for example. It is lovely to see each other again! 

You are most welcome to join us – numbers and social distancing permitting. If you would like to do so get in touch with Tim Yates

St.John’s Bellingdon – 6th June 2021

Dear all

Here are the details for the service for Sunday 6th June – for St John’s Bellingdon.

Our Psalm is Psalm 130. The readings are 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 and Mark 3:20-end and they are read by Chris Emery with the intercessions led by Linda.

It is on the Parish YouTube channel and this link should take you there

As usual the service is available after 09.45 on Sunday.

The format is the same as the last few weeks to fit in with the service in the church building. The contents of the recorded service and the one in the church are basically the same and a copy (in fact two copies) of the order of service are attached.

For those coming to the live service there’ll be copies of the order of service available.

For those watching the recording printing a copy would be useful – the ‘booklet’ version should be printed double sided and when folded will be the order of service. If that’s a problem the other version will print so that you have the content. Having your bible to hand might also be good.

With prayers and best wishes to you all. Take care

Tim and Fionnagh

St.John’s Bellingdon – 30th May 2021

Dear all

Here are the details for the service for Sunday 30th May – for St John’s Bellingdon.

Our Psalm is Psalm 29. The readings are Isaiah 6:1-8 and John 3:1-17 and they are read by Terry with the intercessions led by Jill Dwight.

It is on the Parish YouTube channel and this link should take you there

As usual the service is available after 09.45 on Sunday.

The format is the same as the last two weeks to fit in with the service in the church building. The contents of the recorded service and the one in the church are the same and a copy (in fact two copies) of the order of service are attached.

For those coming to the live service there’ll be copies of the order of service available.

For those watching the recording printing a copy would be useful – the ‘booklet’ version should be printed double sided and when folded will be the order of service. If that’s a problem the other version will print so that you have the content. Having your bible to hand might also be good.

With prayers and best wishes to you all. Take care

Tim and Fionnagh

St.John’s Bellingdon – 23rd May 2021

Dear all

Here are the details for the service for Sunday 23rd May – for St John’s Bellingdon.

Our Psalm is Psalm 104:24-33. The readings are Acts 2:1-21 and John 15:26-27;16:4b-15 and they are read by Eileen with the intercessions led by Jane.

It is on the Parish YouTube channel and this link should take you there
As usual the service is available after 09.45 on Sunday when it goes public!

As I last week the format is a little different to fit in with the service in the church building. The contents of the recorded service and the one in the church are the same and as last week a copy (in fact two copies) of the order of service are attached.

For those coming to the live service there’ll be copies of the order of service available.

For those watching the recording printing a copy would be useful for the readings and the psalm – the ‘booklet’ version should be printed double sided and when folded will be the order of service. If that’s a problem the other version will print so that you have the content.

With prayers and best wishes to you all. Take care

Tim and Fionnagh