St John’s Bellingdon – Sunday Service 30th August 2020

Dear all

In what seems like no time at all it’s Saturday again and so time to upload the service for St John’s Bellingdon for Sunday 30th August onto YouTube.

This week we’re still with our usual format of Morning Worship with a single video. Once again we’ve filmed most of it in church and continued with the words and images together. Apologies if the church sections are a bit dark but it was a very gloomy Friday afternoon with the rain rattling on the roof. And apologies for the odd noises – it seemed that some small animal had taken shelter from the rain in the roof and was making their presence known!

This week our Psalm is Psalm 26 verses 1-8 and readings are Romans 12:9-end and Matthew 16:21-end and they are read by Eileen with Jane leading our intercessions. And I’m very please to say that as hoped for our preacher is Bishop Steven.

It is on the Parish YouTube channel as usual – and this link should take you there
but it may be as quick to look for the same place as usual and hopefully you’ll find it!

As before the service is available after 09.45 tomorrow when it goes public (and live)!

We’re back to notice sheets this week so I’ve attached those for St Mary’s (look at the information on the services to mark our new rector’s arrival and the Parish (have a look at Simon Winn’s reflection on Monica, mother of Augustine of Hippo). With prayers and best wishes to you all
